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About Simply Sydney

I created my blog, Simply Sydney, in January of 2022. It's purpose was to be a place where I could express myself and explore new writing styles. While I am pursuing a career in journalism, I have always enjoyed all types of writing, from research essays to short fiction stories, and more recently, poetry. During my semester away I got in the habit of journaling nightly and found it both intellectually stimulating and a good way to combat anxiety. 

In my English class there, we studied poetry and abstract writing, and I tried writing poems when I journaled. That's when I realized that a lot of the time, I think in poetry. It's like the words clamor around in my brain, begging to be let out, and every time I finish a poem, for a brief moment, my brain is finally quiet, and I feel a little less tension in my shoulders. When I read good poetry, something stirs in my heart, and I feel apart of something larger than myself. It allows me to express all dimensions of my humanity with no constraints. For that reason, I publish my poetry, in hopes that I can do that for others.