About Me

I am a college student currently trying to learn as much about the field of journalism as I can. In my free time I like to spend time with my family, watch movies, read, go hiking, and write poems to publish on my blog. I love music and performing; in high school I acted in school musicals every year. I have always been passionate about social justice and uplifting unheard voices. During my junior year of high school I had the opportunity to attend a semester away program in Colorado where I went on backpacking trips and extended my passion to environmental justice.

In a world becoming increasingly enveloped in technology and misguided notions of progress, I believe too many people and natural beings/processes are being left behind. I am a strong believer that words are the key to education and empowerment. Humanity's greatest hope at success is remembering our duty to each other and our planet. I hope in my time on this Earth I help accomplish that goal!

Awards & Honors

2023 Award of Excellence

The Washington Journalism Education Association recognizes one student for outstanding contribution to student media at University Prep.

The Robert Hurlbut Founder’s Award (2017)

For the two Rainier Scholars who best represented the values of the program’s founder.

The Silver Puma Award (2023)

For four seniors who demonstrated high academic excellence and good character, contributing significantly to the well-being of the community.

The Puma Pride Award (2020)

For the two freshmen who best showed pride for the school and took initiative educating the community on important issues.